short film | 16 min

Naively infatuated with her soccer coach and desperate to impress the older, more experienced girls on her team, suburban high school freshman, Lilah, awkwardly embarks on a sexual escapade that threatens to destroy her only true friendship. Frank, funny, and touching, Shank explores the intersection between adolescent anguish and self discovery. It’s a real, ahem, coming of age story!


  • Entertainment

American Film Institute Masters Thesis Film

Licensed by Shorts TV

Public screenings:
– Newport Beach Film Festival
– The Other Venice Film Festival
– First Glance Philadelphia Film Festival
– Declaration of Independence Film Festival, U.K.
– First Look Student Film Festival
– Rebel Planet Film Festival
– Hi/Lo Film Festival
– Hollywood HD/DV Film Festival
– Beverly Hills Hi-Def Film Festival
– San Francisco Independent Film Festival